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It's best to provide the crematory with an urn, or several urns as desired for the family, so that the cremated remains can be properly returned to the family. Otherwise, the cremated remains will be returned in a cardboard or plastic container, a somewhat undignified way.

What shall be done with the cremated remains?  Kept by the family (I told me wife to equally divide my remains with our the sons and her and do what you/they want with them), buried in a cemetary plot or in an above-ground place for cremated remains or scattered someplace. 

If you want you body to be buried (i.e., not cremated), again, it's best to choose the cemetery and purchase the plots you want in advance.  That saves the grieving family the difficulty of making such a decision without your guidance.

Being buried above ground in a mausoleum is also a choice to consider.

Whatever your decisions, its wise to note your funeral instructions in an accessible place and tell the family where to look.


Gerald Lee "Jerry" Tahajian
Attorney at Law

of Counsel
Tomassian, Pimentel & Shapazian
3419 W. Shaw Ave

Fresno, CA 93711 (map)

TEL: (559) 277-7300
FAX: (559) 277-8100

Email: jerry@gltlaw.com